Leslie Cours Mather
Leslie Cours Mather (LCM) is a versatile American singer/songwriter who has graced the Billboard Adult Contemporary Top 25 chart with her hits, I’m A Survivor #21 (2018), We Should Try Again #18 (2018), Love’s Gonna Do That #24 (2018) and We Are America #22 (2018). We Should Try Again also earned the status of Billboard’s Highest Ranking Debut in 2018.
In 2018, LCM released her first and second studio albums, I’m A Survivor (Pop/AC) and Home for Christmas, under LionEyes Records which earned her numerous spots on the Billboard AC Top 25 chart and attracted worldwide media attention.
Emotion and life experience have played a huge role in LCM’s career, and she continues to face life’s challenges head on. Her young daughter waged a successful battle against a shocking leukemia diagnosis. Her beloved father passed away very suddenly in 2016. And that same year, the singer was unexpectedly put on dialysis which lead to a kidney transplant. Through her real life struggles and her music, LCM has proven to be a survivor. On the other side of these crises, the singer is charging full steam ahead.
Her Country album is named for her first single, Countrified, which secured Top 40 on the MusicRow CountryBreakout™ Chart. The song tells the singer’s own story of living in the big city of Los Angeles while having country roots. Quickly following was Hell Hath No Fury, which LCM had been performing live on her Countrified radio tour. Stations soon began asking LCM to release it as a single. Next out of the gate was the high-octane Country/Rock song That Was The Whiskey, which quickly caught attention in Europe, climbing to #1 on the UK’s HotDisc chart.
LCM is the true definition of a versatile artist and has been compared to Linda Ronstadt for her wide range of genres. LCM’s songs include elements of country, rock, pop, gospel, rhythm, and blues. When creating her songs, she writes alone, then collaborates with her producer, Denny Diante who is known for producing legendary artists such as B.B. King, Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, Tina Turner, and the Grateful Dead.
Leslie Cours Mather has been featured on Fox News, Huffington Post, AXS, Vents Magazine, Music Row, Nashville Noise, Music Matters Magazine, The Daily Country, and many more.
Although the unrelenting singer-songwriter sometimes questions why life threw her the curveballs it did, Leslie Cours Mather stands by the attitude that you can’t control what life hands you, but you can control how you handle life.